lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016


Ahome is one of the 18 municipalities of the State of Sinaloa. Its head is the city of Los Mochis; Is the third municipality in importance in the state of Sinaloa and commercial bridge with the northwest of country. According to the 2015 Census it had a population of 449,215 inhabitants and for the first time in history, Ahome was placed in the first place of the table that registers the attraction of investments towards Sinaloa, with more than 32 thousand million pesos.
This municipality surpassed the state capital, Culiacán, and also to the port of Mazatlán, in relation to the money that invests the private initiative.
The mayor of Ahome, Arturo Duarte García, said that the work in establishing new businesses is more than evident, as many new companies have come to establish this area of ​​Sinaloa for the optimal environment that represents for the IP .
He added that another indication of improvement in investment is the increase in tourists, which has been observed in recent months. "The construction of new commercial plazas, new parks and industrial buildings, new hotels, restaurants are all in sight. Undoubtedly the economic life of Ahome has been transformed and to show another button: today we have received 40% more tourist visits, "he said.
But just as the growth of the economy is unveiled, poverty in Ahome is also increasing, it is said to be due to the low level of education.
"Sinaloa will not grow, Ahome will not grow, poverty rates will continue to rise, investments will not come if they have no education. In Sinaloa, poverty grows three times what nationally grew 1. Investments in Sinaloa do not arrive because they go to other places where there are other levels of education, "said Juan Alfonso Mejia, general director of Mexicanos Primero in Sinaloa.
To solve this it is proposed to carry out evaluations to the teachers. The following pie chart will show the results of a survey by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) showing the percentage of teachers who agree with the following evaluation:

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